Saturday, October 30, 2010


I feel like there's a point with everyone where I just become extremely irritating... There's few friends I've had for a very long period of time. I think I'm just so offensive, people just can't stand to hang out with me that long. I'm so fucking annoying... Seriously, if
I annoy myself, just think what I do to others. hahahahahaha I am seriously annoying. I have no idea why, but it is the case...for fucks SAKE... Maybe I just have such a gross misunderstanding of who I really am, a depraved, dark, whiny faggot fuck. and I am BORING. For fucks sake, I look at goddamn medical encyclopedias and watching fucking TV show DVDs. I do a lot more, but fuck, how could anyone like such a uncoordinated, awkward, albeit supposedly good-looking, dumbfuck?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Wow. For the longest time, I've never thought I would actually find someone that I could fall in love with, and could fall in love with me! I'm been a bitter, jealous bastard. I've found someone that's just like me, and that I'm just like. She's also very beautiful. I can't believe it. I hope with all my heart that this works out. If it doesn't, I probably won't get another chance this  incredible at love again. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to love someone this much, It's doubtful that I can. I doubt there's a women out there that's as incredible as her. I love her with all my heart, and it's fucking amazing, even with the current circumstance, which will be corrected, soon then later hopefully.

Friday, October 1, 2010

A note:

The reason I was able to post so quickly, was that both of my posts are copied from essays I wrote. No, they are not published anywhere else, nor are they plagiarized. I had them sitting in word for awhile.

A unsent letter to a former youtube friend(unnamed)..

She WAS a radical feminist, and I was agree on some things and pointing out logical fallacies on the other things... Also, I'm not necessarily a feminist; I consider myself an equalist. I want everyone to be happy, even though they're morons...hahah


   I think 'patriarchists' are so extreme in their beliefs, they even hate other women if they even side a little bit with men. Also, their choice solutions would in in essence entail a halt in the perpetuation of the human race. I don't see how they can justify their beliefs
Radical feminism, DOES seem to be quite misandric. Radical feminists seems to hold the believe that, as you said, men actually did come together to plot that women are weaker, and men are the better sex. This is a grossly hyperbolic generalization, as it's impossible that ALL MEN hold this belief in common, It's impossible that just because we are men, we hold this insanely petty bias and/or grudge. If, indeed women are the 'weaker' race, then why the fuck would have even HAVE to hold these grudges. What's the point? Also, Radical Feminists seem to be unintentionally sexist, implying that women are too weak to rail against this opression. Now, of course I'm not implying that a lot of men genuinely hate women, whether they know it or not, it's just quite offensive to me to say that every man is an evil opressor of women, not that most women believe that. Another point I might make, is that a LOT of feminists seem to think all woman are coerced into prostituion, and that all prostitues are sex slaves. Another thing is that prostitution should not be legal as just being a prostitute is opressive towards women. Not true. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; If a women absolutely CANNOT get a legitimate job, why not sell a product that is NOT your body? I'm of course referring todrug dealing, and I know quite a few successful female dealers. Nuclearnight, you accuse me of acedote, yet you, on your channel, tell of ALL THESE POOR OPPRESSED PROSTITUTES YOU KNOW. Fucking hypocrite. Not only that, but, if confronted, you resort to ad hom attacks. Now, Of couse, I'm against pimping. My law would ential that coercion in prostution would be a class A felony.
Now, I constantly hear feminists say that they have every right to hate eveey man in the world, just because the so-called 'bad apples', the chauvinists. Now I'm a man, and I'm the one fighting for the rights of women, not patronizing them and assuming and implying that they are too stupid, weak, to handle being prostitutes, among other things.

As Binh said, "You really shouldn't drive someone into being your enemy, simply because of their gender. The men's right movement came about because feminists seem to assume that again, all men innately want to oppress women. Now, I AM NOT implying that all feminsts are this radical, I'm just trying to convey the point that (Quoting Bihn Again)

So, I'm an athiest. I believe what I believe.

  Let me pose a Question to you: How could god, being all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving, and all-good, create a "Tree of knowledge", knowing Satan would "trick" Eve into taking the fruit from it and eating it(Then "tricking" Adam into also eating), creating sin? Moreover, How could a god meeting all the above requirements, create Satan, know he would rebel, cause war and splitting heaven? Many Christians will argue that without sin, there would be no free will. There's just one major flaw in this theory: Free will is not a product of omnibenevolence. Basically, free will  isn't all good. It is, in effect, the ability to choose between right and wrong, although with some choices made, it isn't a choice between right and wrong, per se. Therefore, free-will is, inself evil if one is to assume that the default position is good. Meeting the above requirements, why would god choose these paths that he KNOWS lead to evil? There's only one explanation; The christian god cannot exist.

Like the great philosopher Epicurus said: Whence come evil?