Friday, October 1, 2010

So, I'm an athiest. I believe what I believe.

  Let me pose a Question to you: How could god, being all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving, and all-good, create a "Tree of knowledge", knowing Satan would "trick" Eve into taking the fruit from it and eating it(Then "tricking" Adam into also eating), creating sin? Moreover, How could a god meeting all the above requirements, create Satan, know he would rebel, cause war and splitting heaven? Many Christians will argue that without sin, there would be no free will. There's just one major flaw in this theory: Free will is not a product of omnibenevolence. Basically, free will  isn't all good. It is, in effect, the ability to choose between right and wrong, although with some choices made, it isn't a choice between right and wrong, per se. Therefore, free-will is, inself evil if one is to assume that the default position is good. Meeting the above requirements, why would god choose these paths that he KNOWS lead to evil? There's only one explanation; The christian god cannot exist.

Like the great philosopher Epicurus said: Whence come evil?

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